Finding the good in testing times

These are very testing times for members of Older Men: New Ideas (OM:NI) men’s discussion groups, who have been separated and isolated since March. We’re keeping in touch by phone and email, sharing support and a listening ear, as well as the odd song or joke to lift the spirits.

We all have fears for the health of our families. But there are also things to be grateful for, like:

  • the technology that entertains and connects us during these disconnected times
  • the dogs that take their owners out for healthy walks!
  • the friends that share veggies and cakes and have a yarn over the garden gate
  • the neighbour that encourages you to start a new hobby.

Amid the stress and worry, the COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted our capacity for sharing and goodwill. But we’re all keen as mustard to re-engage with each other when this is over, and chew the cud about what has happened in our lives during lockdown.

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