Supporting older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing (The Centre) provides expertise in inclusive policy and tpractices for the aged services sector. The Centre is a part of the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) program, an initiative funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to improve partnerships between aged care service providers, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and the Department of Health.

The Centre has had over 20 years of experience in supporting aged care providers to address the needs of older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and is guided by its core principle which is to promote equity, inclusion and empowerment for all consumers who engage with aged care services.

The Centre provides diversity and inclusion advice to the aged care sector as well as training and capacity building around inclusive practice. It also has resources which promote inclusion such as multilingual consumer feedback forms.  The Centre also has communication cards and aged care signage in 57 languages and has recently released its two new Practice guides entitled Digital Inclusion and Culturally inclusive feedback.

The Centre has also advocated for inclusive practice through it Inclusive service standards which promote a whole of organisation approach to inclusive practice. The Inclusive service standards are recognised as a key resource in the Aged Care Quality Standards especially under Standard 1: Consumer Dignity and Choice.

The Centre also is funded to host the national website which is hub for aged care providers and the consumers to get up to date information around inclusive practices in aged care, aged care policy, programs and multilingual resources and online training information such as the online modules about the inclusive service standards.

More recently the Centre has been funded to lead the Multilingual Older Person’s COVID-19 support line which is available in six languages until 21 July 2021. Call from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.

1800 549 844 – Italian
1800 549 845 – Greek
1800 549 846 – Vietnamese
1800 549 847 – Mandarin
1800 549 848 – Cantonese
1800 549 849 – Arabic

For more information about the Multilingual Support line visit:

For more information about the Centre  visit

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