

Bidding for older Victorians

Download full submission as PDF The Andrews Labor Government commitment to a fairer Victoria is welcomed by older Victorians, who share a desire to live in a State where we can all thrive. Yet, in this rich and vibrant state, systemic age discrimination that enables the expression of ageism in every day interactions, remains a


Support Victoria’s grossly underfunded community transport

Accessible and assisted transport is vital for older people to reach services, support, doctors, community and family. COTA Victoria has campaigned for many years on the need for increased funding of community transport. We know the health impacts of isolation and loneliness on older people and how this is compounded by a lack of access


2018-2019 Pre-Budget Submission

We want to support the Victorian Government to continue to play a significant role in ensuring that older people, particularly those with complex needs or those experiencing significant disadvantage, are able to access the support and services they need within their communities. With significant recent policy reform, government and the community must reframe how we


Victoria’s Draft 30 year Infrastructure Strategy

As an advocacy organisation COTA Victoria welcomes the opportunity to comment on Victoria’s Draft 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy. Preparation for population change needs more emphasis on the ageing of the population and the changes required across all areas of infrastructure, transport and housing to meet the World Health Organisations’ benchmarks for healthy ageing. We recommend

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